Vocabulary Focus

deck out (v phr) 過度裝潢 to decorate something excessively
                                   When Bob was decked out in a tuxedo and bow tie, 
                                    he looked very handsome.
visibility (n) 知名度;引起大眾注 意的程度 the degree to which
 something is seen by the public
 Celebrities have a high degree of visibility. They are constantly on TV, in movies and in magazines.

diet (n)某人例行的活動 a particular type of thing that you experience or
 do regularly, or a limited range of activities
 Leslie's reading diet these days consists of only novels and biographies.

infer (v)推論;推測 to form an opinion or guess that something is true
 because of the information that you have
 Based on the results of the experiment, David could infer his theory was correct.

out-of-the-blue (adj)突然的;意外的 happening suddenly and
 An out-of-the-blue answer came to Jim during the exam. It was different from anything he had studied.
Usage Tip 

Oddly enough, it has become popular for couples to take pictures next to this worm.「副詞 + enough」置於句首是英文中常用的表達方式, 可以引起讀者的注意和興趣。

1. Interestingly enough, he didn't recognize me in that costume.
2. Strangely enough, I have been thinking about them lately.

(Watch Studio Classroom Worldwide to see your teacher Liz explain this usage tip.)


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